
Open Adoption

Open Adoption

If you are considering adoption, there are a variety of arrangements available to you, including open adoption, closed adoption, and anonymous surrender. In a closed adoption, the adoptive parents would receive no identifying information about you. In addition to this, all fifty states and Puerto Rico have some variation of Safe Haven Laws that protect …

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Time Management

Time Management Mastery for Parents: Balancing Life with Young Children

Time management is an art form, especially for parents of young children. Juggling the needs of your child, daily tasks, and personal time requires careful planning and prioritization. Some essential tips for time management with a child can help you balance your responsibilities while ensuring you also take care of yourself. Planning Your Day List …

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Mastering the Art of Co-Parenting: A Guide for New Parents

Navigating the journey of parenthood can be complex, especially in co-parenting situations. For parents managing two households, it’s vital to approach it proactively to ensure a consistent and healthy upbringing for your child. In this article, we’ll explore essential considerations and strategies to establish a successful co-parenting dynamic. Creating a Successful Co-Parenting Plan Effective co-parenting …

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post-abortion regret

Coping After Abortion: Your Emotional Well-Being Matters

The emotional aftermath of an abortion can be complex and challenging, often accompanied by feelings of regret, guilt, and grief. If you find yourself grappling with post-abortion regret, it’s essential to know that you are not alone. Recent research indicates that up to 44% of women may experience regret following an abortion decision. At Birth …

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