
Open Adoption

Open Adoption

If you are considering adoption, there are a variety of arrangements available to you, including open adoption, closed adoption, and anonymous surrender. In a closed adoption, the adoptive parents would receive no identifying information about you. In addition to this, all fifty states and Puerto Rico have some variation of Safe Haven Laws that protect …

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Body Image

Embracing Your Changing Body: Navigating Body Image During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of significant transformation, not just emotionally but physically. For expecting mothers, the changes in weight, body composition, and other physical features are among the most visible and can sometimes be challenging to cope with. While these changes are natural and expected, they can impact body image and self-esteem. In this article, …

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support during pregnancy

Navigating the Journey of Pregnancy: Finding Your Support System

Pregnancy is a beautiful yet challenging journey, filled with physical and emotional changes. Understanding the importance of support and knowing how to access it can significantly impact the well-being of expecting mothers. Support during and after pregnancy is very important to the well-being of a pregnant mom. As such, knowing your support system needs to …

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